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We care about our audiences and we know, that different people want to be involved in different things


Football analytics is a craze amongst fans. But not everyone wants to become a coach or a scout. That's where SPACES comes in. It is our learning platform. From in depth video classes, teaching the details of formations and tactics, to simpler e-books and white papers for easy reads. Concise scouting reports for the everyday fan on twitter, and in depth player analysis for clubs and coaching teams. We want to build a space to cater to both kinds of audiences.

Join our learning platform. You can choose memberships, or simply pay as you go for whatever little you wish to consume. Some of it is even free!


Football scouting is a billion dollar business. But mostly controlled by agents. While we have professional scouts in our team as well, we want to expand this to include crowdsourcing signals as well. In Scoutrep you can find our own scouting reports, suitable for amateurs and professionals alike and we are working on building a platform which aggregates social chatter and sentiment around new player profiles in football from across the world.

Join Scoutrep and be a part of a global player scouting community,


Football is a community sport. Without fans, football is worth every little. Live is our platform where we directly interact with our community. Live video, classes, game analysis, tactical dissection, interviews and panel discussions with experts and fans alike.

Join Live, where every week, where we produce one live show discussing Barca games, tactical formations, scouting reports, player analysis and much much more. Want to participate, just send us a message and we will invite you.