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About Us

BarcaFutbol is community project focused on Barca, but delving deeper into tactical analysis, player profiling, scouting reports and coaching

Dom and Dev

Two Barca fans from opposite ends of the world. Scotland and Sydney. Dom is an accomplished football journalist and author. He even published a book on Messi. Dev is a tech nerd working for Google and interested in data and analytics. They both have one thing in common though.

A passion for Barca and a deep love for football.  

BarcaFutbol was born as a newsletter to write long form content on game analysis, tactical strategy and scouting associated with Barca. The project is now expanding to take on a bigger community role. From teaching courses, , scouting reports, to authoring papers on football strategy and building products around football analytics.


We believe that the more fans learn about the game, the more value we can create for our community. Check out our different projects. Join the ones you like. We would be happy to have you along the journey.